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Session rates: 

Individual Therapy Insurance and Cash pay options:

Intake assessment: $250
Regular sessions after intake assessment: $150


Cash Only Intensive Services (no insurance or super-bills): 

Couples: $200

Families: $200 (more than 2 additional $50 per person) coming soon!
EMDR: $150

High Conflict Divorce: $200

Administrative Fees and emails: $100 if phone or email correspondence is deemed excessive and requires more than 30 minutes of time per day, we reserve the right to bill for the respective amount of time. 

​We reserve your appointment time for you. We do not double and triple book appointment slots. Therefore, if you are unable to make your scheduled appointment, please reschedule prior to 48 hours of your appointment time during business hours. Appointments canceled within 48 hours will be charged the session fee to the card on file. This fee will be charged automatically to the card on file the day of the missed appointment. 

No-showing for an appointment will also result in the session fee being charged automatically to the card on file the day of the missed appointment. â€‹

- More than 3 no-shows, reschedules, or late cancellation within a 6-month period can result in PRN (as needed status) or termination of services.

See your financial policy in your intake paper work and posted in the lobby for full description.


Insurances accepted: 

Blue Cross Blue Shield

Blue Cross Blue Shield State Plan


Carolina Behavioral Health Alliance (CBHA)


United/Optum Healthcare


 *We can not accept medicaid or medicaid managed care plans 

Who comes to the intake?

The client comes alone into the session unless the client is a minor and then the client and their legal guardians all attend. 


What must I do to prepare for the intake?

Have all of your paperwork complete the week before your appointment date and time, so the clinician can look over your notes, and your insurance can be verified and in the system, have a card on file for incidentals and copays. This is regulation by our board that you can not be seen without paperwork signed. You will need to reschedule the appointment or you will be asked to pay the full fee at the time of service until the copays and insurance can be verified and in the system. When you arrive for the intake, check in with the admin if they are available at the window. You are welcome to call admin at any time for support. 


Can I choose my clinician?

You can always request a clinician and our intake specialists enjoy helping clients find the right clinician. Our group of clinicians always wants to make sure you get the best care so even after you have had an assessment if you feel another clinician would be a better fit we encourage you to ask the intake specialists for a transfer if there is availability we would be happy to advise you of your options at any time. 


Why do I need to pay a late fee or reschedule and even if I am sick?

We understand paying for something that you aren't able to use can seem frustrating. We understand that many clients don't see the clinical nature of this policy that is in place at most practices and pay for services business. This is actually for the client's best interest to ensure that you get the services that you need, many times the parents don't know what a minor is working on in therapy except the general nature and prolonged time between treatments can actually be harmful to the therapeutic process or the client, even if you are the client and lengthen your treatment time. For that reason we are willing to offer reschedules to waive the fee, if a sickness or emergency does come up so that you get the best consistent treatment. The second reason for this is to meet the need of people who are in mental health emergencies/crisis and on extensive waitlists across the nation at this time. Our suicide rate is at an all time high for children and teens and these people need treatment and may not be getting it due to lack of availability. We make sure our clients get priority treatment and we do not double book our calendar and we guarantee spots for our current clients. However, when a client is not using their spots or are holding spots for long periods of time or canceling regularly that means that someone in crisis may be losing their lives or loved ones, we simply need to meet the demand as best as we can and ask our current clients to be considerate of others that may need the time if they feel they don't need it as often. We love to see our clients progress to not needing us as often and if you feel you don't need as frequent of visit your clinician would be happy to discuss this with you and free up a spot for someone in need. 


Why doesn't my child's therapist talk to me at sessions? 

We strive to maintain confidentiality even for our youngest clients to make them feel safe to work on anything that they need in session. It can damage a child's self esteem to hear a parent "complain" or discuss the behaviors or needs in front of them and it is embarrassing for a child to have that discussed in front of others. So the therapist may not say much about treatment and leave you guessing as a parent, talk to your child's therapist about the best way to communicate with them. Most therapists are happy to set up a parent session and some do not mind and email but they may not follow up in email as some things are better left for a parent session so the therapist can help the parent have coping skills and tools as well. Therapists don't usually do check-ins before or after sessions as this feels like, to a child, they are being tattled on or told secrets about and that can damage the child's trust and willingness to show the therapist any needs they have. 


What does it mean to be the client of a clinical intern?

Our interns are able to see clients, but are not yet licensed. Because of this, we are able to offer low cost therapy at a sliding scale of $25-$50 per session. There is no insurance accepted. If you have a Medicaid card, the cost of therapy with an intern will be $25. The length of therapy with an intern is short-term, and under supervision of practice owner and local college. You are welcome to continue services with our licensed therapists after discharging with our intern. Our intern will be joining us mid-August!


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